Little sister....

...The sheep who doesn't follow the shepherd...
Yehaaa what's up yolibí?
Well.. I don't know where you are. However, here you have your bracelet! I hope you like it! I know you do.
Remind me to go to buy a Human GPS! (Ese gran desconocido! xD)
As you already know I'm planning to go to the UK on summer. So we won't work together this summer. Consequently, we won't recite this lines everytime we see a Seat Terra:

- Where do you go Andrew?!
- To the outpatient department....
- It doesn't happen anything to you. You make for live. You don't wanna die!

((you have just entered... ¬¬))
As the bravaris are concerned.... you will have to peel and cut them all, you know that at night is impossible to work...

Well... libilu, libélula, liber, libis, ooyesss, fuente libiana, yolibí, liby, libertaz... cuando eso me avisas y te ato la pulsera ;)

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Yeeeehaaaaa Elisuki!!!! Tuuuuusaaaa!

Thankyou for the bracelet I wear it EVERY DAY now... it's a little bit blackish(negruno)... hahaha

Como muy bien sé me dejas sola ante los chipirones!!!!!! me van a comer ellos a mí este año... what a pitty! y las bravaris pues toas pa mi!(como dirías tú: bravaris por doquier para la liby!!!!) Pero haré por vivir.. no me quio(quiero) morir hago por vivir y llegaré bien al trabajo gracias al HUMAN GPS(ese gran desconocido) que me he comprao.

Bueeeno, me despido de ti y me vooooy GAÑAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANA(a mi me funciona!) nos vemos por casa

elisa, lis, elisuki, elisu, lizz, lizzie, elisabeth, eli, elipu, elichirri, eliocéntrica, elisandra, elisilla, eliza, lisa.....and so on so forth

Un saludo a todos los blogunos!